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What home is to me

Home is where I look forward to going after school. It is where I feel safe and loved. Home is where my heart is. It is a safe place to talk and not be judged. Home is where I play board games with my family in the living room. It is also where I get into pointless fights with my parents and brother. It is where I watch a movie and have homemade popcorn on the couch. Home is where I talk with my family at the dinner table and where we make cheesy jokes to make each other laugh. Where I do chores to help my parents out. It is where I call my friends on the phone twenty-four seven, even when I am not supposed to. Where I play board games and write stories. Home is where I do art projects, watch movies, and read books. Where my mom and I spoil horror movies or tv shows because we have watched them too many times. Where I make up silly nicknames for my parents, brother, pets, and pillows. Home is where I get off the bus and there is a ginormous mess and things torn up everywhere by my two young dogs who were home alone. Home is where I can go if I need a hug or somebody to talk to. Home, where I have grown up, explored, and experienced new things. Home is where I have played in the backyard with crazy ridiculous games and moves on the trampoline that I have made up over the years. When I hear the word home, all my sadness melts away because it is where I have cooked, played, slept, and have grown up in. Home is in the neighborhood that I have explored. Home is safe. Home is beautiful. Most of all, home is family. Family is what helps me. Family is what I am. When I am with them, I am home.


Grade 6

Lansdowne, Ontario

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