What Home Means to Me
What my home means to me
My home is a building in my heart. To me my home is a place my family and friends are. My house is a building where I live. To me, home is seeing my parents every day. To me, my home is a warm cozy fire. To me, my house has a couch, food. To me, my home is eating delicious food made by my parents. To me, my home is my foundation. It secures me to the ground.
To me, my house is playing soccer. My house is where I live. My home is where I am in that moment of time. Perhaps somewhere in the universe there is someone who feels exactly like I do. House means concrete, wood. Home means heart, mind, soul. Home is in my heart. House is in my life. Family and friends will be in my heart and home no matter what happens. My home is in the mountains where I live. Home is in the province where I live. Home is in the country where I live. Home is in the world that I live in. Home is in the universe that I live in. Home feels like spending a movie night with my family. Home feels like seeing my grandparents.