Home is a Place to Love In
Home is a place to love in
Not just a house to eat in, a home you bake in to spend that time with the people you love, the people you charish.
Not just a house to play in, a home you make memories in and to keep them forever.
Not just a house to bathe in, a home you are relaxed in and can be calm in.
Not just a house to watch TV in, a home you discover your favourite movies in, with the people you love and the buttery popcorn you share together.
Not just a house to read in, a home to get lost in a new story to take yourself to a world of imagination.
Not just a house to sleep in, a home you dream in to set your thoughts wild.
Not just a house with blank white walls, a home where you can hang your art with all of your favourite details and touches.
Not just a house with a grassy backyard, a home with a beautiful garden of all the colors.
Not just a house to make art in, a home to draw your special purple fluffy bunny and to be creative in.
Not just a house to live in, a home to love in.
I want to thank Habitat for Humanity for doing this wonderful fundraiser. And I hope after this contest lots of people will now have not just a house to live in, a home to love in.