Do you love home
My home to me is a place where I know I'm loved.
My home is a place where I'll always be respected.
My home is a place where everybody accepts me for who I am.
My home is a place where I can be whoever I want and nobody will care.
My home is a place where I know I'll never be judged.
My home is a place where I know everything will always be fair.
My home is a place where I know there's going to be ups and down, but my family will always be there to help me.
My home is a place where I will laugh and cry.
My home is a place where I can play board games.
My home is a place where I can snuggle up by the fire and watch TV.
My home is a place where I can read books with my loved ones.
My home is a place where I know somebody will be there when I'm sad and when I am happy.
That's the best part of my home; I will always be loved.