What home means to me
If home was a color, it would be rainbow because all the emotions happy, sad, mad, joyful, angry.
Home is memories, home is where family is, home is cozy, home is everything. If home was a sound, it would me and my family laughing telling jokes. If home was a shape, it would be a heart because of the love that I give to my family and family members.
Home is where everything happens. My community is where my friends, family and my school are. At school I like to play with my friends. home is like a cozy blanket on a cold winter night. My favorite part of home is coming home from school after a long day at school. In the summer we let out our goats named Charlie and Fran. We also have a pig named Nora and two dogs named Dawn and Chunk. My friends come over in summer and we have so much fun in sun. Me and my family went to Toronto and for a fun vacation we also went to Ottawa and went to a dinosaur park. I went to Niagara Falls to go to Great Wolf Lodge and we went to Napanee to my mums’ parents’ house and to Oxbridge to see my cousins. For Christmas I got a snow racer and a tablet and 3D pen and my sister got a mini fridge a care bear. Me and my brother like to trade Pokémon. I just got a new golden Pikachu. My brother and I also play on the Nintendo Switch together. We play Pokémon on it and Mario Kart. My big sister, little sister and my brother all play hide a go seek together. We play laser tag outside in the summer at nighttime. Last year for my birthday we went paintballing a Stingers. It was so fun but painful. This year for my birthday I am going to a trampoline park. Home is my happy place. That’s why I like home.
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