Memories of Home
My house is where I live and it’s made from concrete. But a home is where love is and memories are made, a place to be happy. Home is where you can be loved, where you can have fun and feel safe. Home is a place where your family hugs you when you come home from a hard day and makes everything better. Home’s special because it’s the one place where you can always feel loved and make your whole body warm like a mug of hot chocolate. Home is like a photo album, filled with memories because if you take a glimpse of your house you will see all the memories made in your house with your loved ones.
Home is the feeling of love. Of being cozying under the blanket in your bed with a roof over your head or watching movies on Netflix all night long with your family and making jokes. Home is food and the delicious smells that come from the kitchen before a big feast. Eating at the table every night with your family and then waking up to smell delicious scrambled eggs or syrupy waffles. Home is walking home from school to see your family after a long day and knowing that everything will be ok. Home is a place where you can be sad, angry or just having a rough day but your family will always be there to cheer you up and bring happiness to you. Home is a place that can be anywhere home could be someone who feels like you are at home when you are with them.
Habitat For Humanity is helping people who need a safe place to live and be happy because everyone deserves to have a safe and protected home. Everyone deserves a place to come home to, to be happy. So thank you Habitat For Humanity that is helping families in need all over Canada.
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