Not ordinary
My home is not ordinary, it’s shape is sort of off, it’s not original, not like others, not ordinary at all. It’s not a bad ordinary kind, it's the good kind, the strong kind, the awesome kind, a not ordinary kind.
I come home every day to that smell across the room. It smells good, like the smell of fresh baked cookies, not ordinary cookie’s our cookies. Every day I drive past my school, I wave to all the friends at my school, not ordinary friends, my friends.
School, the place where I play outside, learn new things, challenge myself, a not ordinary school not ordinary at all. I look down from a hill, a big hill, a round hill, not an ordinary hill.
I see house’s many many houses, all unique in their own way. I see my school full of kids playing in the snow. I look closer and I see a home, a not ordinary home, MY home.
And I hope homes for humanity will give people more homes. A big, strong, awesome, happy, not ordinary home, their home.