Meaning of Home
I love my home for so many reasons. The food in my home is delightful and delicious. My cat In my home is as soft as a cloud. I love my wooden floors that I can slide on. I love my floors.
In my home you can laugh, joke, sleep, chill, drink and eat yummy food! Home is the best thing I can own and have. Home smells like tortilla chips and salsa. Salsa and chips is my favourite snack ever! We can buy some chips from Metro and Walmart. I sometimes get the hint of lime or regular. I love eating chips in my home.
My home feels safe, cozy and warm. Home also feels like a cozy campfire while I’m in my heated blanket. I can watch YouTube on my IPad under the blanket and drink a warm glass of milk. The milk can be chocolate or strawberry. I love using my heated blanket.
Home is where I cuddle with my cat and pet her until she starts purring. I can use a cat toy or a string to play with her. She sometimes scratches me when I’m playing with her. I can sometimes use a monkey noodle or a cat fishing rod. I love my cat.
My PS4’s fan is as loud as a fire truck’s horn! My keyboard has loud Razer Optical switches, which is as loud as horseshoes clacking. My mom is as cool as a cucumber. She is always working on her laptop doing coding, while I'm gaming I can hear her finger tap the keys of the keyboard! My home looks clean and sometimes dirty, my bedroom is pretty cluttered with wires and toys. I love my room.
The bricks that make up my house are maroon as Maroon 5 and as grey as clouds. My home’s door is clear as glass, same with the windows. My home’s stove is as hot as the sun, same with the oven. The plates are as clean as soap. I love my home. Home means everything, home means life.
Everyone deserves a home like me and a lot of others. A home is very important to kids and adults. I love my home more than everything. It is the greatest thing I ever had. I love my life!
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