What Home Feels Like
What Home Feels Like
A home is a place where you feel safe
With family and it shouldn’t make you feel chafe
A home has clean water and heat to keep warm
A home can even be a college dorm.
Home is a place where you might feel happy
You will know it’s a home when you feel zappy
Homes should have walls, roofs and floors
Sometimes they don't even need doors
Home should smell good, not like mold
Maybe like cinnamon and kind of bold
Home should taste like sugar cookies freshly iced,
you could play a game in your home with a 20 sided dice
Home should look like anything you choose
It also could give you a chance for a snooze
Home should sound like giggling children
A home should probably have a kitchen
A home should make you feel like a cozy sweater
And when you are sick, it will make you feel better
Thanks to Habitat For Humanity for making it right
You're giving homelessness a big fright!