Home Sweet Home
When I walk into my house, I always smell candles burning and my mom's apple and honey perfume. The smell of candles burning, and my mom's apple and honey perfume makes me feel calm.
When I walk into my house, I always hear my sister constantly talking to me and my family. I also hear the sound of my grandpa's dog. The caring voices of my family make me feel safe.
When I walk into my house, I always see my caring family. The sweet looks of my caring family makes me laugh.
When I walk into my house, I always touch my family by giving them hugs and kisses. The sweet laughter of my family makes me feel loved.
When I walk into my house, I always taste my delicious supper, sweet desserts and buttery popcorn. I love to have sweet popcorn on movie nights. The sweet taste of food makes me feel thankful.
I hope one day everyone will be able to afford a home like mine.
This Is What Home Means to Me!!