The Sense of Home
Home is the sweet smell of homemade chicken pot pie, the chicken and the veggies simmering in the frying pan, it's like you're floating on a cloud jumping from one scent to another. Like you are lost in a whole strange world until someone calls me to the lego room beckoning me to play lego, it's like you are a builder in a mini town and you can create whatever you want because the possibilities are endless. Your creation doesn't always last for long when a loving furball trots into the room looking for something to snuggle, if you are not the first to snuggle him and his whiskers, he snuggles your lego project knocking its roof off instead!
Home is as green as a jungle filled with every plant you can imagine. Plants in the kitchen, plants in the bathroom keep a sense of growth and health all year round. In the spring when the snow is gone and the first sign of a sprout in the garden is showing, it gives me hope of a great summer ahead. Home is where I snuggle on the couch and watch movies late into the night laughing and having fun while eating sweet smelling chips and extra buttery popcorn. Fridays are for homemade pizza on the BBQ, the smell of tomatoes and basil fill the neighborhood with a new sweet scent. Everyone puts their noses to the air wondering where this loving, comfortable, familiar smell is coming from. My home. This loving, comfortable familiar smell is coming from my favorite place on earth, my home!