The Meaning of Home
I live in a pretty small city so everybody knows someone, So for me home is everywhere. Home for me is at my house, at school and at my karate place. Home is at school because I feel safe there and I belong there. I’ve also been there the past eight years of my life. Home is at my karate place because I have been there all my life and I practice most of the week, every week. I feel wanted,I belong there and people know me. Some of the people there I have known my entire life and they're really like family so home is at my karate place. Home is also while at my real home. I feel loved and free. I can be myself, I can do the things I love and I can be proud of myself for the things I've accomplished. Home is not a place, it's a feeling. Home can be everywhere if you're surrounded by great people and the feelings of exception, love and safety. This is what home means to me.
With the help of Habitat for Humanity I hope people can find their home and be surrounded by the feelings of love, safety and acceptance.