Home, Sweet Home
Home, sweet home, a place to stay safe, warm, and loved. A place to make great memories. An extraordinary place to be found, not lost. Home, a place to remember and cherish. To find hope and not discouragement.
Home, the taste of kindness, funniness and peace. A place to be able to share things with family and friends, to get together and enjoy the time together. A place to have fun, and to have people encourage you.
Home, the place where I can smell freshly baked Gingerbread
Men coming out of the oven, close to Christmas. The place where I can make myself tea when my siblings are in bed.
Home, a place warm and cozy with a blanket on your lap and read your favourite book. A place where you can bake cookies with your mom on a Saturday. To laugh and giggle when she says something funny.
Home, a place to listen to Christmas music on a cold, chilly day, close to Christmas. A place to snuggle with your parents on a stormy night. And when the morning came, I say. “Thank you.”