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Meaning of Home

Home is soothing, refreshing, nice and tidy, occasionally messy but mostly clean. Home is a safe place for people of all kinds. You live in a very nice environment called home. Home can be chaotic and disorganized at times, but with time, things will settle down and become more calm. Positive and bad energy can be in your home. Staying at home is a lovely experience. Your siblings and family members who are always there for you stay at home. Home is where you should be relaxed and calm, and where you should feel all of your emotions such as happiness, rage, sadness, and tension, but always remember that your family will always be there for you when you really need them. Home is where you play, where you stay, where you go every day, where you encounter fresh homemade cooking aromas from the kitchen, new things, and everything. Home is where you can find all of your resources and easily accessible items, such as meals with new scents and fresh produce. You can also watch television and play games with your friends and family at home. On the days when you don't feel safe, home gives you protection, warmth, and safety. The place where you grow up is your home. Home is where you learn something new everyday.


Grade 6

Milton, Ontario

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