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If I had the power to turn back the clock and go back to that house at the end of the block. The house that home when I was a kid I know that I’d love it more now than I did. If I could be back at my grandma's Knee,And hear once again all the things she told me,I’d listen as I never listened before,for she know so well just what life had in store And all the advice my dad used to give,His voice I’ll remember as all long as I live but it didn’t give just to live it all over again And what I’d give for the chance I once had.To do so much more for my mother and dad to do so much more more sunshine-a little less rain. But the years roll on and we born in a mansion or in a shack but we can start right now-in the hour that's here to do something more for ones we hold dear And since time in its flight is traveling so fast let's not spend it regretting that which is past but let's make tomorrow a happier day by doing our “good to other”


Grade 6

WINNIPEG, Manitoba

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