Home a Place for Me
Home a place for me
Home means so much to me. I wouldn't change my home for anything else, my dad did so much in that house before he died but he never really got to enjoy what he built in the house. I don’t know what it feels like to lose a house, I don’t want anyone to go through losing a home but if they do I hope my writing can bring someone happiness by being able to raise money for them. There is nobody in this world that doesn't deserve a home. Everyone in this world deserves a roof over their head. Nobody should take their home for granted because you can lose it instantly. Cherish, love your home because some people don’t have the privilege of a home. When you drive by someone’s home you might think it’s just a home but to the people who live in it can be the best feeling ever they can feel safe they can feel proud of their home. You can have so many memories, all the birthday parties you had. Some people wouldn't get to that if they lost their home.
Home means a lot of things but to me it means everything. The people who lose their homes are Warriors because they go through so much stuff that some people wouldn't be able to handle they lose their homes but not there spirits they get up everyday with a hill to climb of hurt, pain, loss but they keep going the people who lose their homes are so tough they deserve everything.
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