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A Home or a House?

Now, I’m not an expert or one of those super smart kids but I know that home is different for everyone. Home could be their dog greeting them at the end of the day or peace and quiet where no one judges you. Home is somewhere you are loved and make memories. Home can come in many different forms, sizes and shapes. My home could be a big trailer or a simple tent, yours could be a boat or a treehouse. I think I get my point across. Home for me is the street I grew up on. Furthermore, I know that my teddy bear, mom, dad and my neighborhood friends make my home home. Now I know my home may be just a house for you in your eyes, but for me it's where I get ideas for my drawings. My room is where I spend my time surrounded by the things that I love. In your home you may dance or sing when no one is watching or listening. Everyone does their own thing in their home because there is love and no one judges. What do you do in your home?


Grade 5

Mississauga, Ontario

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