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Meaning of Home

We all know this year has been very stressful because of the pandemic. My Stepdad decided to start this year off on a good foot, he proposed to my mom. For the wedding, I am going to be a junior bridesmaid. When we first moved to Gilbert Plains are the first day we made a fort all around the house. Every Christmas the right before Christmas we opened one present and they are normal PJs. In the morning my sister and I wake up superable. At my mom's house, we go in the garage and play sticks and pucks I normally beat my sister. At my dad's house, we go ice fishing and do a lot of stuff outside like a snowmobile, tubing, and quad rides stuff like that. At my stepdad's farm, we go skating and shoot bow and arrows. At my mom's we play card games and play sports in our backyard like volleyball, baseball, scorer, barman, football. We have lot of fires in the backyard. I spend most of my time of my mom's, so I don’t get to see my dad has much. I feel like I'm pouted? at home and loved at home. But I can see that my dad is struggling with money, but I still feel loved. Every night before I go to bed my cat comes and lays with me then in the morning, he starts to meow, but it's time for me to wake up so he's like my alarm clock. At my dad's for Christmas, I wake up my dad at 5 in the morning then he falls back asleep so then I wake up my sister but she normally slaps me in the face but she normally wake up. That’s what home means to me.


Grade 5

Gilbert Plains, Manitoba

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