Home is more of a feeling then a place,
it shelters anyone of any race,
weather its an apartment building or a house,
a town home or anything else.
A home is just a house if it's only the four walls that hold it together,
What makes it truly a home is the love, friendship and memories that last forever.
But some don't have a place to call home or a place to eat,
the homeless have no choice but to live on the street.
Sitting there in the rain and snow,
wishing there was somewhere else to go.
Alone in the flurry of white,
watching as people just walk by.
But begging us for help just to survive,
yet their being ignored through their strife.
We need to help them and make a change,
because we can make one ever so great.
In this contest that i have entered,
it gives hope to the hungry and tired.
If we all try to pitch in and help,
we could, we really could, every penny counts.
So let us never take for granted the roof over our head,
but let's focus on getting the homeless off the street instead.