Home is the Way to Go
Home to me is the place I can be myself, be accepted and spend time with my loved ones. I’m lucky to have a home to stay safe in, because not everyone does.
Charities and Foundations help by taking them into care and giving them a warm place to stay. You can help these Charities and Foundations bye donating money, clothing or simply just spreading awareness.
Why should other people have to deal with it? Everyone deserves a safe place to stay.
In my home I create new memories, eat yummy meals and celebrate. Home can also be my calm and relaxing place. I have my own space and can keep calm. Home is also the place I can laugh and truly express myself.
Home has things we like and things we don’t. My home will always be my safe place. I am cared for and always feel loved. Everyone deserves care and love in their home.