I think of home as the place where I can be free, loved, and just be myself. It’s a place where I can express my feelings. Home is where my heart is.
Feeling the warmth of my house and my family makes me appreciate the things in my life. The things I appreciate are my warm bed, my room, the farm land I live on, food, water, heat in my home, and all the other things that keep me alive.
I would move from house to house if i had to because home is where the heart is. The heart is FAMILY and will always be that way no matter what. I love my family and my pets that surround me with comfort and love. It makes me happy to know that I am safe and loved in my home.
Home should be our safe place, our place to stay warm. It should be a cherished place that is loved for all its surprises and glory. Everyone should have a home. So I think that people, whoever they are, should have a home big or small on a farm or in a city.
But these people who don’t have a home need one so they can feel safe and loved just like us. Even if they are there alone they are not because we are here for them, helping them get a home. so they are not alone, ever form now on.
It makes my heart happy that I'm writing an entry for the Meaning of Home contest, because I know when I submit this entry I will be helping Habitat for Humanity raise funds. These funds will be used to help people who need homes. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS!