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Meaning of Home

Meaning of home to me is joy. After a day of skiing, I walk into my house and it is so warm and cozy. The fire is going and the hot tub is all warmed up for me. It just warms my heart which brings me joy. Joy to me is happyness. The things in my home that bring me the most joy are family, bedroom, and pets. Family brings me joy because they love me. I feel loved every night before bed when my mom and dad give me a cuddle. My brother, my dad and I like to play mini stiks in our basement. We also like to play hockey on our outdoor rink. Our family also likes to make each other laugh, so we sometimes make jokes or say funny things. My bedroom brings me joy because it is cozy. I can always just lye down in my bed and feel the warmth of my covers and matress. My bed room also brings me joy because of all of the toys. I have lots of lego that I can build, I have speed stacks. My room is also very fun. I can play with my toys. Every once and a while I stack up all of my stuffed animals and pillows then I jump on all of them. Last but not least, my pets bring me joy because they are so cute. My kitten sometimes looks like he is a camel when he is going to chase you. My pets are also very cuddley. Our dog likes to cuddle you and kiss you whenever my kitten sleeps on my feet at night. My pets also bring me joy because they are all friendly. Our dog never bites all he does is lick. My kitten also loves people. Meaning of home to me is joy. Family, my bedroom and my pets all bring me joy. This is why my home brings me happyness.


Grade 4

Owen Sound, Ontario

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