What Home Means To Me
4-2 Name:Anita
This is what home means to me :)
Home is a place where we keep safe home means so much to me it’s like everything to me. Home is a place where we stay warm, stay cool and stay safe from the weather in the bad conditions. People outside these walls trying to survive in these conditions when it's cold they can get hurt by just staying outside. Being inside is lucky having food and water and having a bed that you can sleep in and taking baths but outside we can’t do these things and that's why we need to help the community. Not all people can do these things that we can home means like everything to people so that's why we are here today to help are community have homes and a place to live and you know some animals don’t have homes like some people in the real world and some animals do have homes animals are little bit showing us that not all people have homes just like us if you don’t want to help just think what if you are them don’t have a home and your on the street just like other people what will you feel you will be sad right and that’s why we do this to help people in need