Meaning Of Home

Meaning Of home Home such a simple word yet it means something different to everyone. For some it is just a roof and walls, but I go much deeper than that. Home is different for everyone, but in my opinion, home is a roof over my head but also a place where love roams because there are people inside. You cannot call a newly built house a home until people move in. An abandon house is like a turtle with no shell. It is uninhabited (except for a few mice) and sad. People are what make the word house into home. Life in a home is cooking, eating, sleeping and playing. I am not talking about cooking Sushi or playing Minecraft, but the experiences and the lessons of these things. We learn things in our home it is where we make mistakes and errors. Home is where we get some hands-on experiences like making dinner. Your home can be a learning experience. Home is not a roof, doors, windows and walls (ok in common sense it is). Think of a house as a body: the frame is the skeleton, the plumbing is the blood flowing through, the security system is the white blood cells protecting your house from danger and the skin is the siding. The body/house is missing one key thing. The heart. People are the heart and people are the key. Love and care are in a household. A house is a body. We live in a first-world country and we are EXTREMELY lucky we have what we have such as a nice home but even some people in our First-world country need support. Therefore, I am writing because people need us. Home is where I live and grow. I am extremely lucky.


Grade 6

kelowna, British Columbia

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