Home, A Place of Comfort
Home, A Place Of Comfort
It’s not just a bed, or a roof over my head,
Even if we lived in a tattered shed,
A home is still a place that we are lucky to have,
As long as we are able to share our love and to have a good laugh.
A safe place to cozy up by the fire,
Cuddles and giggles are what I aspire.
A chat around the table is all we need,
It is the conversation, not the food that feeds.
A quiet corner with a warm blanket and a good book helps me to escape,
This feeling of tranquility is a feeling I will always long to take,
A hard floor with our focused thoughts, is all we require to huddle,
As we put our heads together to fit together the last piece of a puzzle.
Having the most lavish house is not our race,
Feeling loved, supported, and comfortable in any place is what makes us feel safe.
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