Why I Love My House
I love my home because the colour is white, my hamster is soft, but loves to bite.
I love the way it lights my day. It would be a great delight!
I love it at the bottom of my heart, like the same way my house does to me, it makes me feel really smart!
It loves to make me go whee! I love the way I'm an attender, remember, like a member!
When I took out a book, to have a look and read!
When getting some parts for a puzzle, playing darts when doing math at my house, it will always be there for me!
It's like a path for the furniture, we make my house feel all happy inside, side by side.
It’s like we are best friends and attend to things together, like a river, and I love to help and
and yelp!
Just like every day, I pray, inside of me.
When I play outside, I love to go insane, and lay in the field, and rolI!
I love the rain and no pain, no gain!
On Family Day I spend some time with the house, but not a mouse!
The house makes me feel like it’s family too, and the pets do some bets but I do not lose! it makes me go whoo hoo!!