What is home
Home is a place to sleep.
Home is a place to spend time with family.
Home is a place to have fun.
Home is a place.
Home is somewhere you gather memories.
Others can’t afford homes.
Others find it hard to get money to afford a house.
Others have nowhere to sleep or eat.
Others don’t know their family.
Others have anxiety/eating disorders/ADHD/PTSD.
Many people think having a home is luxury all the time, people with big houses/small houses have to pay mortgage/rent, hydro and electricity bills.
Many people think that not having a house is bad all the time.
Everyone has a place that feels like home to them.
Everyone has a family even knowing they do not know them.
Everyone has a childhood even if it wasn’t the best.
Everyone has a place to call home even if it isn’t a roof over your head.