A Warm Fuzzy Feeling
Meaning of A Home by. Sophia
My home is the place where, we make all the memories.
The good kinds and sometimes the bad hurtful memories.
The home I stay in sleep in and love in.
Is the home where all the jokes are where the fighting begins!
A home is somewhere you can cry laugh and have fun!
My home is where I play games with my family.
The pets might come and play!
My home is where I play with my three sisters.
One older two younger it doesn’t matter.
Two cats one dog one mom one dad all I love.
Playing games is important.
why and how?
You may ask well games makes are family come closer.
My home makes me feel cozy and safe.
Sometimes my home gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Like everything is going to be ok.
A home makes you feel thankful.
All the memories in a home can be unforgettable.
A home a home is where your adventures begin.
Your home can be any kind.
My home all I can say is a warm fuzzy feeling.