Home Sweet Home
A home is a place where we are together,
A home is a place where we care for each other
A home is a place where there is no hesitation
To ask for help, speak or lend a hand
My home is where I can stay safe
A place where all my sorrows go away
My home is my heart that I always keep
No wonder people call home, home sweet home
As I grow older I understand why people call
Home the best place on land
A home is a blessing that everyone should get
So I am blessed to have a roof over my head
So donating 10 dollars isn’t too much
My home is my treasure that everyone should get
Now I realize treasure isn’t money or shiny things
Treasure is the place which we call home
I keep my home close to my heart
And things close to your heart never fade away
Our home is like our parent that takes all of the risks
To keep us safe from storms and hail
Our home keeps us safe from any puddle in our way
But we really don’t acknowledge it at all
We just take our home for granted
But ask the people who don’t have a roof
How grateful they are to have a roof over their heads
Our home is more than just a roof and four walls
It’s a parent, a guardian and most of all
A part of our family
It’s hard to imagine what would life be without home
The first thing I want to see when I come back from school
The smiling face of my family that’s blessed with a home
Oh how grateful I am to have home sweet home
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