What Home Means to me

‘House’ is a word people can get confused with. A house is four walls, a roof, bed, and kitchen. A home on the other hand, is a place you feel loved, happy and safe to say and do whatever without being judged. A home is a place that you can look at and remember all the things you have done, and things you have said. Sitting by the fire listening to your parents read your favorite book until you fall soundly asleep. Helping your mom bake cookies for dessert. Building gingerbread houses before Christmas. Your home is where you try new things, eat new foods, your first pet. I got my very first cat when I was in primary, she was the most precious thing I’ve ever had. She had kittens on my first day of elementary, I'll never forget that. A home is where you spend those nights with your friends! Those nights you screamed watching a scary movie, hiding under the covers laughing at how scared you both are. The nights you just spend hours laughing at something that wasn’t even that funny, and those nights you spend just sitting there, even though you say nothing, you know exactly what each other are thinking. To me, even if I’m not doing anything, I know how lucky I am to have the home I do. My home isn’t even where I live, my home is my family, whether I'm out camping, in a restaurant, or I'm in my living room having a family movie night, that's my home. This is what home means to me. It is the most important thing in the world to have a home that you feel safe and loved in.


Grade 6

Gambo, Newfoundland and Labrador

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