My home that means love to me
My home is a place that I really love. If anyone lived there they can truly be loved.
The outside of my home is a peaceful place to be. When it’s getting too crowded inside my house outside is where I really want to be.
Your home is where you can live with your family and they always have love, compassion. They really care about me.
My home is a very safe place to be. When I get scared, sometimes my parents will say that I’m brave and that’s what I need to be.
My family sometimes likes to play games with me and they play whenever I want to.
My sister always plays games with me, reads with me, draws with me and even more. She’ll always be my best sister.
When we are around with my grandma she always likes to entertain us all the time.
Everyday I’m on the computer sometimes I do my prodigy math and sometimes I watch some cool video’s. I am always sharing with my sister and she is watching videos the whole time.
I always watch tv in the morning even before I go to school but I could also watch some more later.
The roof is the perfect shelter so no rain gets through the ceiling at any time.
My mom will always make sure I’m being safe like stuff I’m not supposed to do like talking to strangers or anything.
My walls of the house are the perfect place to put my picture frames up on the walls.