Home Is Where
Home Is Where
By: Paige B.
Home is where you are loved every day and you can be yourself, where you can show
your emotions.
Home is where I smell tasty food as my Mom and Dad work together in the kitchen
to make it.
Home is where you go outside on a hot summer day wearing a muscle shirt and
shorts and feel the heat of the sun on your back.
Home is where I taste my mom's famous caramel popcorn recipe in my mouth as is
dissolves as it touches my tongue.
Home is where you're snuggled up in a blanket surrounded by your loved ones as
you sip warm hot chocolate.
Home is where I make pumpkin pie with my dad as we get ready for Thanksgiving.
Home is where you're not alone, home is where you are surrounded by your loved
ones as you make memories together.
Home is where you taste new foods and you learn about new cultures.
Home is where I smell fresh cookies coming out of the oven as they sizzle.
Home is where I sit by the fireplace as I warm up from being outside playing in the
Home is where I have family dinners and I make memories with my cousins, aunt,
uncle, papa and nana and I love them all.
Home is where I hear laughter and love throughout my house.
A house is not a home. A home is where your family is and you thrive.
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