Warmth and Comfort

My home has warmth and comfort. It has the scent of my dogs and the sound of their barking. Cow mooing from the barn feels like comfort. Blankets - the warmth of them, so warm and comforting. My family presence and the aroma of my sister's perfume fills the air. The light of my house fills my eyes, my white kitchen, newly done, bright white Wax melts of nice cinnamon apples fill my nostrils, the aroma making me feel safe at home. My home tastes like fresh pie out of the oven. My family represents home: my sister, my dad, my mom, and my dogs and cats. My bed represents home, my delicious food and pets that make me feel safe. My beautiful home looking like a white waterfall straight from heaven, yet being warm and comfortable. I feel soothed when I am in my lovely home. My meaning of home revolves around my family. Home taste like fresh oven baked bread, Freshly harvested grain from the fields. I love my home it is my true happy place. Home is wherever you feel comfortable. but my home I feel more than comfortable. It is this feeling that I cannot describe. It just fills my soul with happiness. I love my family and my home, but home for me is a lot different. I just love my home so much, it is so great. I can't wait to go home and see my family and get comfy in front of the fire, sipping hot chocolate under my blankets. So comfy and warm while I draw. That's the meaning of my lovely home. It is so amazing I hope that you can interpret home just like I do.


Grade 6

Caledonia, Nova Scotia

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