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What home means to me!

Home does not have to be a place for me it’s a feeling. And that feeling is the best feeling ever. Home is my pups greeting me at the door the second I get home and me giggling uncontrollably, Home is being myself and nobody caring and evryone being supportive and loving me whatever I do. home is hanging out with my best friend, home is playing video games with my brother. Home is where I can actually really be my true self not a fake version and not be scared that anyone will judge, home is around the people that I trust, my family and friends, they light up my life the way the sun lights up the moon in the night. home is around the dinner table sharing my day with the ones I love. Home is the smell of a freshly opened book. Home is going crazy at random moments, and no one will insult me or tell me I’m annoying. home is like a warm summer day. Home will never look down on you! My home is with the people I love, forever loved, forever in their arms.Home will never abandon you. Home is sitting by the lake; all the fish swimming around like they are running a Marathon! Home is the trees brushing against my body and tickling my nose, but I don’t mind. Home is laying outside on my swing set and trampoline and not feeling like a little kid. Everything at home makes me feel great, like a somebody like a not nobody somebody. Home is feeling loved whatever you do. Home is just in plain nature home is a place where you love to be if you are in a place, you love you are at home.


Grade 5

Lorette, Manitoba

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