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What Home Means to Me

Home to me means feeling safe and comfortable. Do you smell that? It smells like my mom’s homemade lasagne and garlic bread, my favorite meal. I love walking through the door and smelling yummy food. I know what that means, we are having a family dinner, where we all sit at the table and we talk about our days, just the five of us. No phones, no t.v, just good food and family time. My Mom’s homemade food tastes like home. This makes me feel safe and comfortable. Everyday when I come home my dogs greet me at my door wagging their tails. My dog, Elsa, puts her wet, cold nose on my face. When I bend down to pet them I feel their soft fur in my fingers and even if I am having a bad day, having them greet me makes me feel better. After my dogs greet me I go and see my cats Floki and Dudley. I see them snuggling on a blanket and I curl up with them. Hearing them purring makes me feel calm and relaxed. Whenever I am upset or nervous my mom helps me feel better and tells me I can do this! If I do bad I never get put down. Sometimes I am in a bad mood and even if I get angry and yell, I always still hear “I Love you”. I wish for everyone to have a home where they feel safe and comfortable, including animals!


Grade 5

Ajax, Ontario

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