Home Sweet Home

Home to me is going on a bike ride with my dad. Home can be going to Costco and eating all the samples …. And then asking your parents to go get more so you can have more Home can be many places. Home is camping with my neighborhood friends . Home the usual routine that makes you feel secure. Home to me is making sure the doors are locked every night and my parents making fun of me for it ! Home is when we laugh at the dinner table . Home is when me and my family sit and critique people on shows even though we know we can't do any better ! Home can be playing video games with my dad until 1:00 and eating junk food. Home can be when we cry into your family's arms. Home is when you're frustrated with Your parents but you eventually come around Home can be many things but the thing that home is the most to me is love


Grade 6

Nanaimo, British Columbia

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