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If Home Was Everything

Home. If home was a sight it would be the countryside with the pink, purple and blue sunset coming over the trees in the morning, seeing my family laughing together at the kitchen table. It would be looking at the stars trying to find the Big Dipper with my friends. The most beautiful place on earth. If home was a taste it would be the taste of fresh cookies straight from the oven with a glass of milk on the table. If home was a touch it would be sitting on the couch with a nice cozy blanket with hot chocolate, whipped cream, and candy canes, while sitting on the couch with my family watching a movie on a snowy day. Honestly, home is a place where I can be me. It's understanding and cozy. If home was a sound it would be hearing my parents say, “I Love you very much.” Hearing my dad sing, “Have I told you lately that I love you?” I am thankful for a roof over my head, a family I love very much and that loves me and says it every day. It is food for me to eat, having friends that I play with at school and when they are at my house. Everybody should have a home where they can feel protected, safe and warm. People should have a shelter. I am thankful for Habitat for Humanity raising money to build homes for those who need a home. I pray everyone could have a home just like mine because my home is great and I love it very much.


Grade 6

Arborg, Manitoba

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