What Home Means To Me

Home is a place everyone needs, home is a place everyone belongs, home is a place we can laugh, home is a place we all love. Do you have a home? A lot of people around the world don't, imagine how they feel without a cozy and warm home with the laughter, joy, love, and safety you feel when you walk in your house. If you want others to feel that feeling you can help by writing something like this by doing this I'm donating ten dollars to help someone around our world to have a home, a place they can feel laughter, safety, love, and a place they can go around the dinner table and have a freshly made dinner for their family and friends. I'm going to give you a different question now, do you want others to have a home? If you do then make sure to submit your writing for others to have a home!


6 Année

Georgetown, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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