Meaning of Home

Home means family. Home is the sound of family laughing over dinner. Home is the warm feeling of my mother’s loving hug. It is the feeling of my cats’ fur underneath my fingertips. It means the incredible memories that I will cherish forever. Home means feeling loved. Home means safety and stability. It means a safe neighbourhood where I can play. It’s a safe school where I can learn with my friends. It’s people I can trust. Home is a place where I can relax and sleep peacefully. Home is a firm foundation. Home means feeling accepted. It's a place where I can be myself and nobody is going to judge me. Home means feeling welcome. It means having friends who want you around, and people who believe in you. It is a place where people celebrate your accomplishments. It’s somewhere people listen to you and your ideas. Home means feeling heard. Home means being cared for. It means healthy food and clean water. It’s the delicious taste of ice cream in the summer. It is air-conditioning in the hot summer and warmth in the winter. It is excellent health care when you need it. It’s a place where you can shower and feel clean. It’s a place where someone is always there for you. Home means feeling valued. Home is Halifax. It’s the place where I grew up. It’s the place where I was born. Home is the familiar sight of waves crashing at the waterfront. It’s the sound of the cannon going off at noon on Citadel Hill. It’s the feeling of swinging on the swings at the playground up the street. It’s the sound of Oh Canada playing at school. I am home.


Grade 6

Halifax, Nova Scotia

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