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The Definition of Home

I think that home means a safe, comfortable place where you can be with family and friends. Home is a place where you can be yourself without a care in the world! Home can look any way you want, but what matters is how the space makes you feel. Home is a neighbourhood that is familiar and holds special memories that make you feel good when you think about them. Home is love and safety. This is what home means to me: H means: Happy. Happiness is a feeling that no one can get enough of. Happiness to me is smiling and laughter! It also includes anything you enjoy. Happiness is one of the best feelings in the world, especially when you can be in that state of mind every day of your life! Happiness is love and hope. O means: Optimism. Optimism is something that people use to encourage happiness and comfort into a space. Optimism is positive and warm, good feelings, and I think those emotions are very important in a home. M means: Memories. Memories are warm, and fuzzy pictures that occur in the mind that can remind you of good or bad times in your life. Homes need a lot of those! One of my memories that I have is I once rode my bike into the lake by our house! Memories are very important, in or out of your home. (Yes, the bad ones matter too.) E means: Emotion. Emotions are a great and important part of a home, and every life in general! All homes must have emotions and memories attached to the walls of the room. Emotions are wonderful things. These four things are what I think is important in a home. This is my definition of home.


Grade 6

Niverville, Manitoba

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