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What Home Means to Me

Home is where my family comes together to watch movies. My family loves to watch movies with me - we get to have so much fun. This is home because we all come together to relax and have fun! Every Thursday my uncle comes over to have supper with us, we also watch some funny videos and hilarious movies! We love it. Normally after school my dad and I work on building my model plane - it’s a Cessna 172. We have a lot of fun while building the plane. This is home because my dad and I work together to make things fun. My mom and I read books every night before I go to sleep, and we are reading a funny book called Freak the Mighty, it’s a really good book so far. We have been watching a TV show called That 90’s Show. It’s based on That 70’s Show - it’s super funny. Sometimes we do arts and crafts while watching Bob Ross. It’s funny how all his art is so good and when we try to make it like his, everything flops! Home is a hang out place for family and I hope you’re comfortable in your home like I am.


Grade 6

Lyn, Ontario

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