What Home Means to Me

What home means to me. Home is not just safe and secure for one person. Home is safe and secure for all. Home is comfy and cozy, sometimes as quiet as a mouse. Everyone's home is a blessing because no matter where we are, we will always be with our family. When you're at home, that is a place where you can feel very ok, and enjoy time with family. Home is where I laugh and play, draw and color. My home is bright and full of color. Home is the smell of fresh baked cookies and muffins. My home is filled with hopes, dreams, and love. My home is the glow of candles, calm, and relaxed. Home is not just a place, or a building, it is so much more. It is a feeling for all to enjoy. Another home, and another home. United together, we can build more homes for our community!


Grade 5

Regina, Saskatchewan

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