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My Home: One Word, A Hundred Meanings

My home has the memories and love my family created. My home is where on those hard days I come home to my warm bed, my family I love and all of the above. A home can just mean a house to someone, but to me it’s where I learned to walk, run and love knowing I am safe and sound in my house. A home can be made of mud and sticks or big blocks of snow but a home is a home wherever you go. When I come home I see the books I learned to read, the paintings I have painted and the pictures of my love, my family and my dog. A house is where you can be yourself, funny or not it’s fun a lot. Home is my base, my favourite place. It’s where I am day to day, in the morning I boast about my delicious French toast. My home is not where I keep my worries but where I am happy and where I thrive. Home is where it started and the only place in my heart is safe.


Grade 5

Edmonton, Alberta

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