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Home vs house

Home has always been safe for me, But what is the difference between a home and a house for me? To me, a house is merely a building with canned, bland paint, A home has a greater meaning than just the stressful strain. A house needs to be paid with rent, But a home doesn’t even need a cent. In my home, the paintings tell a story, Whereas when you see a painting from a house, it’s moaning for it has no story to tell, no memories to hold. “Boom, crash, splatter, clatter”, My home could honestly replace the mad hatter. Even though it can be crazy outside, My home never has a downside. For me, a home doesn’t have to be your family members, Just someone that makes you remember. Who you are, and what's your passion, Someone who is always there to show compassion . Every home is different and unique, Whether for religion, culture, or belief. Home is where you can be free, When you are in need. My parents always used to say, “Life is your social media, just by logging into your Instagram account, I would know who you follow and what your heart is filled with” And now I know it’s not a myth.


Grade 6

Oakville, Ontario

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